Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Unreaching Pair

Originally uploaded by alithea_a.
The light from the lampshade shines on her like a spotlight.

It is time for the Sun to set.

Steadily, the Sky colors with different hues. Day is giving passage to night. Moon and Sun could see each other from their corners in the heavens.

Only for a while will they see each other, face to face, before the solemn night takes the place of majestic day.

It has always been a glorious spectacle when the heavenly bodies reach for that time to worship, to meet, to bask on each others glory.

The Sun always promises vibrant life, continously shines grace, always a witness to all activities on earth, the Father to everything that lives. To him, his protective sight binds everyone to work together.

The Moon guides the line to love. It is the time when lovers speak of whispered promises, when stars are given the chance to twinkle, when sounds cease to exist to give unsaid words a chance to be heard. The Moon attests to the truth of emotions. Under her embrace does secrets come into her gentle light.

With the Moon, hidden love is given the chance to expose all that is needed to be seen in order to make the world see how busy it is to not see what is most precious.

Over her head, the Moon and Sun are aligned. Only a few more minutes then the Moon will have dominance over the waiting Sky.

She starts to walk towards the setting Sun. She never grows tired seeing it. If only coming closer to it promises basking in its soft, glorious radiance a little longer, she is willing to walk forever.

Then he suddenly appears, looking very handsome and strong in casual shirt and jeans. His back is towards her but he feels her presence and turns.

It never fails, his sad smile makes her smile in return. He walks towards her.

"Rough day?" she asks.

He shrugs, sweeping imaginary dirt from his sleeves. "The usual."

"That's good."

Silence reigns but it isn't bad. Being friends forever, words are not needed to express. Their eyes, their posture, the way their heads tilt, both know the meaning of every movement and how to react.

But Time is of essence and works against all earthly ways.

"Well I have to go. I'm needed."

She opened her white parasol she has been carrying. The breeze comes, swaying her white dress and making some leaves fall down from trees.

He unexpectedly takes her white hand and kisses its back courteously.

"Till the sunrise Princess. I'll always be waiting."

The breeze picks up. He lets go as she floats away, holding on her parasol.

She floats to the sky, to take her position as heavenly mother, to give comforting solace and embrace to everyone on Earth.

The Sun has disappeared.

He looks at where she stood a while ago. His Princess is up in the sky. He will watch her take her walk across the horizon until the time night meets day, and they could meet again, before he takes his place in the Sky.

As the law of the cosmos had decreed.

~ Inspired from the song "Sun & Moon" of Ms. Saigon

Watch and hear the song here. Absolutely beautiful!

Song: Sun And Moon Lyrics
You are sunlight and I moon
Joined by the gods of fortune
Midnight and high noon
Sharing the sky
We have been blessed, you and I

You are here like a mystery
I'm from a world that's so different
From all that you are
How in the light of one night
Did we come so far?

Outside day starts to dawn

Your moon still floats on high

The birds awake

The stars shine too

My hands still shake

I reach for you

And we meet in the sky!

You are sunlight and I moon
Joined here
Bright'ning the sky
With the flame
Of love

Made of

Tomorrow will be the full moon
I can bring friends to bless our room
With paper unicorns and perfume
If you want me to

Unicorns? sure. . .

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